How to Prepare Your House for a Termite Inspection

How to Prepare Your House for a Termite Inspection

Worried about the impact of termite damage on your house? Looking for ways to protect your home from invasions? You’ve found the right spot! Discover the steps to get ready for a termite inspection to safeguard your home and family from these destructive bugs.

Make Some Space

Preparing your house for a termite inspection involves making space for the inspectors to access all areas of your home. Here’s how to do it:

  • Clear all clutter: Remove any belongings, furniture, or debris that might block the inspectors’ path, including items stored in attics, basements and closets.
  • Trim vegetation: Cut off tree limbs, shrubs or overgrown plants that touch your house, as termites use these as a path to reach your home.
  • Move stored items: If you have stored items or other belongings placed against the walls, move them away to allow easy inspection of the walls and floors.
  • Secure pets: Keep your pets safe and secure in a room or crate to avoid any interference during the inspection process.
  • Provide access to all rooms: If some rooms are locked, ensure that someone is present to unlock them when the inspection is being conducted.

Preparing your home in advance for a termite inspection saves time and can help identify termite issues before they turn into costly repairs.

Pro tip: Schedule regular termite inspections to ensure that your home is free from termite infestation.

Clear the Storage Areas

Clearing storage areas is an essential step to prepare your home for a termite inspection. Termites are attracted to clutter, moisture, and darkness, so it’s crucial to declutter and clean all storage areas to prevent infestations.

Here’s how you can clear your storage areas:

  1. Start with one storage area at a time, such as your basement, attic, or garage.
  2. Remove all items from the storage area, including boxes, bags, and furniture.
  3. Sort through the items and decide what to keep, donate, or dispose of.
  4. Clean the storage area thoroughly with a broom, vacuum, or damp cloth to remove any dust, dirt, or cobwebs.
  5. Inspect the storage area for any signs of termite activity, such as termite droppings, wings, or mud tubes.
  6. Seal any cracks, gaps, or holes in the storage area’s walls, floors, or ceilings using caulk, foam, or weather stripping.
  7. Store items in sealed plastic containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent termite entry.

Pro tip: Regular cleaning and decluttering of your storage areas can help prevent termite infestations and make your home inspection-ready all year round.

Give Access to the Basement and Attic Areas

When preparing your house for a termite inspection, it’s crucial to give access to the basement and attic areas as they are prime locations for termite infestation. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Clear any clutter that may block the entrance to the basement or attic.
  2. Remove any stored items or boxes, especially those made of wood.
  3. Trim back any overgrown vegetation around the exterior of your home, especially those in close proximity to the foundation.
  4. Repair any leaking pipes or fixtures, as moisture attracts termites.
  5. Address any other issues that may increase the likelihood of termite infestation, such as woodpiles or debris near the foundation.

Remember, a thorough termite inspection can help identify an infestation early, potentially saving you money and preventing damage to your home.

Recommend Areas of Focus

To prepare your house for a termite inspection, there are several areas of focus that you should keep in mind to ensure that the inspection goes smoothly and successfully. Here are key areas of focus to help you get started:

  • Exterior walls: Check for cracks and gaps in your exterior walls where termites and other pests can enter your home. Seal them with a waterproof sealant, and ensure that all of your gutters and downspouts are in good condition to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Interior walls: Inspect your interior walls for visible signs of termite damage, such as bubbling paint, discarded wings, or hollow-sounding wood. If you find any evidence of termites, contact a local pest control company immediately.
  • Roof and Attic: Termites can enter your home through your roof, which is why you should inspect your attic space to ensure that there are no leaks or damage that can attract termites. Also, remove any excess wood or lumber that is stored in your attic as it attracts pests.
  • Foundation: Finally, inspect your foundation for cracks and gaps and seal them appropriately. Also, clear any wood, brush piles, or mulch away from your home’s foundation to keep termites from entering your home.

If you are unsure about how to complete any of these tasks, consider working with a local termite control service provider to ensure that your home is protected against potential termite damage.

Leave the Windows, Doors, and Closets Open

Leaving the windows, doors, and closets open is an essential step in preparing your house for a termite inspection. Termites thrive in dark and damp environments, and it’s crucial to eliminate any conditions that could attract them to your home.

Here’s why leaving your windows, doors, and closets open is important:

  • Allows proper ventilation: Proper ventilation prevents moisture buildup, creating an unsuitable environment for termites to thrive.
  • Provides easy access: An inspector will need to access every corner of your home, including closets and narrow spaces, to conduct a thorough inspection.
  • Gives a clear view: Leaving windows open ensures a better view of your home’s exterior, making it easier for inspectors to spot any signs of termite infestation.

It’s also advisable to remove any items that block the inspector’s access to crawl spaces, attics, and basements.

Pro Tip: Regular termite inspections are crucial for preventing extensive damage to your home. Schedule inspections at least once a year to catch and address any termite activity.

Keep Your Pets Away

Pets can potentially hinder a termite inspection if they are allowed to roam freely during the process. Here are some steps to prepare your home and pets for a termite inspection:

  • Inform your pest control company about the number and type of pets you have in your home.
  • Put your pets in a secure location that is either outside or far away from the area being inspected.
  • Inform the pest control company where your pets will be located and provide clear instructions on how to access the area.
  • Remove any pet food, water bowls, and toys from the area being inspected.
  • After the inspection is complete, thoroughly clean and disinfect the area before allowing your pets to re-enter.

Taking these simple steps will ensure that your pets are safe and do not interfere with the termite inspection process.

Clear Out the Exterior of Your House

Clearing out the exterior of your house is an essential step in preparing for a termite inspection. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Remove any obstacles or debris from around your home’s foundation, including piles of wood, bricks, or leaves.
  2. Trim any overgrown vegetation, such as tree branches or shrubs, away from the side of the house.
  3. Clear out gutters and downspouts to prevent moisture buildup on the exterior of your home.
  4. Seal any cracks or crevices in the foundation or exterior walls that could serve as entry points for termites.
  5. Repair any water leaks or plumbing issues that could cause moisture buildup in or around your home.

Following these steps will not only prepare your home for a termite inspection but will also help prevent termite infestations in the future.


In conclusion, preparing your house for a termite inspection can save you time, money and prevent an infestation. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • Remove any debris or excess wood piles.
  • Trim any overgrown vegetation, especially around the foundation of your house or wooden structures.
  • Fix any leaky pipes or faucets to prevent moisture build-up, which can attract termites.
  • Repair any structural damage to your house or wooden structures, including roofs, walls, and foundations.
  • Cover any exposed or untreated wood with paint, sealant, or a natural termite-resistant product.
  • Schedule regular termite inspections to catch any infestations early on and prevent extensive damage.

By following these steps, you will be able to maintain a termite-free house and protect your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to prepare my house for a termite inspection?

Preparing your house for a termite inspection ensures that the inspector has unobstructed access to all areas of your home. This helps them to identify any areas of infestation accurately, which is crucial in developing an effective treatment plan.

What should I do to prepare for a termite inspection?

You should clear any clutter from around the perimeter of your home, including storage items and lawn equipment. Trim back any overhanging tree branches or shrubs that could obstruct the inspector’s view, and ensure that all doors and windows are easily accessible.

How can I tell if I have termites in my home?

Signs of termite infestation include the presence of mud tubes, discarded swarmer wings, wood damage, and small piles of sawdust. You may also hear unusual noises coming from within walls or woodwork.

How often should I have my home inspected for termites?

It is recommended that you have your home inspected for termites at least once a year. However, if you live in an area known for high termite activity, you may need more frequent inspections.

Can I do anything to prevent termite infestations?

There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of termite infestations, including removing wood debris from around your home, repairing any leaks or moisture issues, and keeping wood piles at least 20 feet away from the house.